
Programming Academy


Become an excellent web developer with expertise in the latest programming languages and the ability to write efficient, secure, and sustainable code with the Programming Academy in Ohrid!

Our program combines cutting-edge web technologies with foundational computer science principles. You’ll gain hands-on experience working on real projects for partner companies, participate in workshops and hackathons, and receive soft skills training, and career counseling – all designed to help you stand out in your next interview.

Upon completing the 12-month program, which includes 480 classes, you will acquire the skills and knowledge needed to succeed as a full-stack developer.


With each enrollment, you receive free training worth 590 euros.

diploma za Programming - QA Diploma
CPD akredidatija za akademija za programiranje

*The Programming Academy is internationally accredited by CPD.

Programming Academy - Ohrid

Regular price

2.550 €​​

Cash payment

2.100 €​​

Price in installments

2.200 €​​
Do you have any additional questions?

Contact Kristina.

    AI Unplugged
    Front-end development
    • Basic principles and programming methodologies
    • HTML5 and CSS3
    • JavaScript Fundamentals
    • Advanced JavaScript
    Back-end development

    * Студентите на почетокот на академската годинa избираат еден од двата достапни наставни модули за следење настава во втор семестар.

    . NET teaching module

    • Object-Oriented Programming with C#
    • Advanced C# Programming
    • Relational database design with MS SQL Server
    • Web app development with ASP.NET
    • RESTful Web Services
    • Advanced data-driven app development

    .NodeJS teaching module

    • Introduction to Programming with NodeJS
    • Advanced programming with NodeJS
    • Relational Database Development and Design with PostgreSQL
    • Front-End Programming with ReactJS
    • TypeScript, EcmaScript6 and Angular
    • Advanced web app development with Angular and Firebase
    Additional modules
    • Software testing and bug detection
    • Cloud applications development
    • Server development withC#
    • ReactJSJS with TypeScript
    • MEAN/MERN stack
Do you have any additional questions?

Contact Kristina.

Welcome to ‘AI Unplugged,’ the course where we demystify artificial intelligence, laugh at its quirks, and prepare you for an AI-driven future.

Ever wondered why Siri can’t get your jokes? Or why Hollywood’s version of AI is always on the verge of world domination?

We’ll dive into the hilarious, mind-bending history of AI, explore its portrayal in pop culture, and discuss its philosophical implications.

“ From Deep Blue beating Kasparov to your smart fridge judging your snack choices, we cover the milestones that shaped AI. Join us for an optimistic, empowering journey into the heart of artificial intelligence. The future is now, and it’s going to be amazing!”

Discover the wild origins of AI, from ancient myths to the first computer programs. We’ll explore how AI has been portrayed in pop culture, laugh at Hollywood’s missteps, and tackle the big philosophical questions that make AI both fascinating and a little bit terrifying.

  • Ancient Myths and Automatons:
    Early inspirations for AI.
  • Turing Test:
    Alan Turing’s groundbreaking work.
  • Early AI Programs:
    Logic Theorist and General Problem Solver.
  • AI in Pop Culture:
    Hollywood’s take on AI, from HAL 9000 to The Matrix.
  • Филозофски прашања:
    Што е интелигенција? Дали машините можат да размислуваат?

Join us as we highlight the major milestones in AI history, from beating chess champions to recommending your next Netflix binge. With a mix of humor and insight, we’ll show how AI has quietly become a part of our everyday lives, and why it’s not just about smart gadgets anymore.

  • Dartmouth Conference:
    The birth of modern AI.
  • Deep Blue vs. Kasparov:
    AI’s first big win.
  • IBM Watson on Jeopardy!
    : The rise of smart assistants.
  • AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol:
    AI mastering complex games.
  • Everyday AI:
    Voice assistants, recommendation systems, and autonomous vehicles.

Peek into the future of AI, where it might solve global problems—or create new ones. This session delves into the ethical dilemmas and societal impacts of AI, all while keeping things light with a dash of sarcasm and a lot of forward-thinking optimism.

  • AI in Healthcare:
    Early disease detection and personalized medicine.
  • AI and Climate Change:
    Predictive models and sustainable solutions.
  • Ethical Dilemmas:
    AI rights, bias, and job displacement.
  • Human vs. AI:
    Complementary roles in creativity and problem-solving.
  • Future Outlook:
    How AI might shape our world.

Marko Djamtoski


Mitko Keckaroski


Filip Cvetkovski


Goce Vasileski


Stefan Trajanoski


Afrodita Bele


Jone Kiceec


Halil Halilovikj


Kliment Sidorov


Todor Sidorov

Who is this academy for?

The academy is ideal for beginners, those looking for a career change, or web developers who need to upgrade their skills—anyone who wants to combine new web technologies with traditional computer science concepts.

No prior knowledge is required.

While any existing knowledge is an advantage, it is not necessary to enroll. The curriculum is designed to provide a balanced approach to learning the latest programming languages alongside essential coding practices for writing efficient, secure, and sustainable code. The study methodology has an ideal balance between these key components. Any prior knowledge students have is an advantage, but it is not required.

The classes are completely on-site at the premises of Qinshift Academy.

We offer two payment options: full payment or interest-free installments. Each payment plan offers a discount during certain times of the year. Installment plans are calculated from the time of application until the end of the academy (the number of installments depends on the duration of the program). Accordingly, the number of installments varies based on the duration of the academy program for which you are applying.

Payments can be made via bank deposit or electronic transfer. We do not accept payments on-site.

For installment plans, your presence is only required to sign the notarial contract.

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Programming - Ohrid

2.550 €​​
2.100 €​​

cash price








12 months


in a classroom


2 / 3 times a week

Regular price

2.550 €

Price in installments

2.200 €

Become an excellent web developer with expertise in the latest programming languages and the ability to write efficient, secure, and sustainable code with the Programming Academy in Ohrid!

Our program combines cutting-edge web technologies with foundational computer science principles. You’ll gain hands-on experience working on real projects for partner companies, participate in workshops and hackathons, and receive soft skills training, and career counseling – all designed to help you stand out in your next interview.

Upon completing the 12-month program, which includes 480 classes, you will acquire the skills and knowledge needed to succeed as a full-stack developer.


With each enrollment, you receive free training worth 590 euros.


Certificates that you will acquire after completing the academy.

diploma za Programming - QA Diploma
CPD akredidatija za akademija za programiranje
Do you have additional questions?

Contact Kristina.

    AI Unplugged
    Front-end development
    • Basic principles and programming methodologies
    • HTML5 and CSS3
    • JavaScript Fundamentals
    • Advanced JavaScript
    Back-end development

    * Студентите на почетокот на академската година избираат еден од двата достапни наставни модули за следење настава во втор семестар.

    . NET teaching module

    • Object-Oriented Programming with C#
    • Advanced C# Programming
    • Relational database design with MS SQL Server
    • Web app development with ASP.NET
    • RESTful Web Services
    • Advanced data-driven app development

    .NodeJS teaching module

    • Introduction to Programming with NodeJS
    • Advanced programming with NodeJS
    • Relational Database Development and Design with PostgreSQL
    • Front-End Programming with ReactJS
    • TypeScript, EcmaScript6 and Angular
    • Advanced web app development with Angular and Firebase
    Additional modules
    • Software testing and bug detection
    • Cloud applications development
    • Server development withC#
    • ReactJSJS with TypeScript
    • MEAN/MERN stack

Welcome to ‘AI Unplugged,’ the course where we demystify artificial intelligence, laugh at its quirks, and prepare you for an AI-driven future.

Ever wondered why Siri can’t get your jokes? Or why Hollywood’s version of AI is always on the verge of world domination?

We’ll dive into the hilarious, mind-bending history of AI, explore its portrayal in pop culture, and discuss its philosophical implications.

From Deep Blue beating Kasparov to your smart fridge judging your snack choices, we cover the milestones that shaped AI. Join us for an optimistic, empowering journey into the heart of artificial intelligence. The future is now, and it’s going to be amazing!”

Discover the wild origins of AI, from ancient myths to the first computer programs. We’ll explore how AI has been portrayed in pop culture, laugh at Hollywood’s missteps, and tackle the big philosophical questions that make AI both fascinating and a little bit terrifying.

  • Ancient Myths and Automatons:
    Early inspirations for AI.
  • Turing Test:
    Alan Turing’s groundbreaking work.
  • Early AI Programs:
    Logic Theorist and General Problem Solver.
  • AI in Pop Culture:
    Hollywood’s take on AI, from HAL 9000 to The Matrix.
  • Филозофски прашања:
    Што е интелигенција? Дали машините можат да размислуваат?

Join us as we highlight the major milestones in AI history, from beating chess champions to recommending your next Netflix binge. With a mix of humor and insight, we’ll show how AI has quietly become a part of our everyday lives, and why it’s not just about smart gadgets anymore.

  • Dartmouth Conference:
    The birth of modern AI.
  • Deep Blue vs. Kasparov:
    AI’s first big win.
  • IBM Watson on Jeopardy!
    : The rise of smart assistants.
  • AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol:
    AI mastering complex games.
  • Everyday AI:
    Voice assistants, recommendation systems, and autonomous vehicles.

Peek into the future of AI, where it might solve global problems—or create new ones. This session delves into the ethical dilemmas and societal impacts of AI, all while keeping things light with a dash of sarcasm and a lot of forward-thinking optimism.

  • AI in Healthcare:
    Early disease detection and personalized medicine.
  • AI and Climate Change:
    Predictive models and sustainable solutions.
  • Ethical Dilemmas:
    AI rights, bias, and job displacement.
  • Human vs. AI:
    Complementary roles in creativity and problem-solving.
  • Future Outlook:
    How AI might shape our world.
Who is this academy for?

The academy is ideal for beginners, those looking for a career change, or web developers who need to upgrade their skills—anyone who wants to combine new web technologies with traditional computer science concepts.

No prior knowledge is required.

While any existing knowledge is an advantage, it is not necessary to enroll. The curriculum is designed to provide a balanced approach to learning the latest programming languages alongside essential coding practices for writing efficient, secure, and sustainable code. The study methodology has an ideal balance between these key components. Any prior knowledge students have is an advantage, but it is not required.

The classes are completely on-site at the premises of Qinshift Academy.

We offer two payment options: full payment or interest-free installments. Discounts are available at specific times of the year for both options. Installment plans are calculated from the time of application until the end of the academy (the number of installments depends on the duration of the program). (the number of installments varies according to the duration of the academy applied for)

Payments can be made via bank deposit or electronic transfer. We do not accept payments on-site.

For installment plans, you are required to sign a notarized contract in person.



Mitko Keckaroski


Filip Cvetkovski


Goce Vasileski


Stefan Trajanoski


Afrodita Bele


Jone Kiceec


Halil Halilovikj


Kliment Sidorov


Marko Djamtoski


Todor Sidorov

Success Stories

Programming - Ohrid

(cash price)

2.100 €
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Programming Academy - Ohrid