uspeshna prikazna - kiril kiroski - digitalen marketing

Today we are talking with Kiril who is part of the Digital Marketing team at MozzartBet Macedonia.

We spent 6 months together at the Digital Marketing Academy, and now we are talking with him about his previous work experience.

First of all, because of a desire to change careers. As a technologist graduate, I had several work experiences. Some of them met and some did not meet my professional expectations, so I decided to be part of a world that is interactive and offers endless opportunities. In the digital world we live in, companies follow the trends and dynamics of society’s development, so they want to strengthen their online presence, and this requires a continuous learning and upgrading process for a marketer. As soon as I expressed my desire to improve my knowledge in the field of digital marketing, it took me very little time to decide on SEDC, because after consulting with friends and acquaintances, when I asked where, they immediately answered: “At SEDC, proven to be the best with fantastic programs and mentors, you simply won’t regret it.”

I must say that I am very satisfied with the entire academy and the time spent with the mentors and colleagues, that is, it fully met my expectations. What captivated me from the start was the experience of the mentors, their willingness to answer all questions even outside the academy classes, their expertise, as well as the way they conducted the lectures and worked with the students. The material that was available to us for further training, leading the lessons, the numerous exercises and homework were exhausting, but a very interesting and educational experience. Through the several modules, I met mentors from various fields, each of them a top professional in their field, from whom I learned a lot and looked to “steal” as much knowledge as possible. The academy helped me build and expand my knowledge, but most importantly it helped me learn the value of teamwork.it helped me learn the value of teamwork.

Let’s imagine a scale of knowledge from 1 to 10. On which scale were you before the start of the Academy, and on which scale are you now?

In the beginning, I had some general minimal knowledge only about social media, but that was the basic one, without any experience with paid ads or campaigns.

Now after completing the SEDC academy I am a strong 10 without false modesty. Joking aside, it takes a lot of hard work, exercises, homework, persistence, toil, sweat, project work in various fields, reading, research, and hours and hours in front of the computer to meet the exacting demands of the mentors.

The reality fully met my expectations. I have the good fortune to do daily what I learned at the academy, that is, I apply all the modules that were represented daily. As someone who is addicted to social media and sports, working at MozzartBet and I are simply “а match made in heaven“.

I would like to improve my knowledge in the field of Search Engine Optimization, but also graphic design, so, Qinshift Academy, see you soon…

Without thinking about starting as soon as possible, because the competition is getting bigger. This is a profession that requires a willingness to learn constantly, and to upgrade yourself to keep up with the changes in this field. For those who decide on SEDC, I would advise them to listen carefully to the lectures, not to miss homework and group exercises and projects, to be active, to discuss and ask questions, and to use the mentors to the maximum.

Reserve your place, enrollments for the Digital Marketing Academy are ongoing.

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